This week, Barbara Bush told CNN that her son is not “as dumb as a rock.” Notice she didn’t use the plural.
- Prior to Iowa, Spiegel ID’d Trump as the “world’s most dangerous man.”
- Just before the caucus, Trip Gabriel of the NYT did an AMA about Iowa.
- A WSJ essay about this mishegoss election season is shaky and partisan.
- The NFL, a corporatocracy with concussions, is measured by Mark Leibovich.
- Michael Graziano thinks phantom limbs may help explain consciousness.
- A raft of AI experts predict when/if machines become conscious.
- Gary Marcus clarifies and contextualizes Google’s recent Go victory.
- Dag Kittlaus aims to invent a new form of voice-controlled virtual assistant.
- The Anthropocene is marked by a deep sense of foreboding.
- Emily Lakdawalla considers what we’ll accomplish in space by 2116.
- Elon Musk aims to send explorers to Mars by 2025.
- Bruce Schneier analyzes the challenges of the Internet of Things.
- Oral Roberts is requiring incoming freshmen to wear Fitbit.
- Imagine if all of England suddenly stopped stopped eating meat.
- Dubai may build an underwater tennis stadium because it’s Dubai.
- King Abdullah Financial District, begun under one reality, faces a new one.
- Old Print Article: Edward Sheriff Curtis becomes a Pueblo priest. (1911)
- Old Print Article: Leonard Darwin promotes eugenics. (1912)
- A brief note from 1912 about a fresh set of eyes.
- A brief note from 1955 about criminal baseball fans.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.