This week, Donald Trump appeared much more Presidential after his son Donnie Boy Jr. cut off Dad’s vestigial tail.
- Old Print Articles: NYC millionaires barricade their mansions (1905) + “Professor” Alphonse King tries to walk across Niagara River on tin shoes (1886).
- Elon Musk is interesting, from his space helmet down to his feet of clay.
- President Trump is turning the GOP into even more of a clown car.
- Nicholas Carr wryly tackles Amazon’s new scheme of paying authors.
- The Buckley-Vidal feud was more entertainment than journalism.
- Camille Paglia says some stuff about Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton.
- In 2014, Nick Denton said the Internet is a “secret-spilling machine.”
- Margaret Atwood imagines future scenarios climate change may bring.
- It’s difficult to put a dollar figure on climate-change catastrophe.
- In Choire Sicha’s Cli-Fi apocalypse, Wikipedia might reboot civilization.
- Companies are using non-traditional data to judge potential customers.
- CVS will be using technology to track customer health.
- Surveillance of student performance is being experimented with.
- Despite being bad for Labor, Uber outmaneuvered Mayor de Blasio.
- NASA thinks it can radically reduce the cost of a moon colony.
- If we lived to 150, how would our careers be different?
- There are relatively few female futurists. Why?
- The BBC considers the factors delaying driverless cars.
- Protests against AI warfare might work–at least for now.
- A female sprinter with a high natural T-level is cleared to compete.
- Juliet Macur examines the thorny issue of determining gender in sports.
- Robotics will likely become an important part of athletics.
- Certain news brands have become attractive purchases.
- Macroeconomics might have outlived its usefulness.
- A new Marlon Brando doc utilizes his 3-D doppelganger.
- A brief note from 1898 about tattooed dogs.
- A brief note from 1885 about a headless chicken.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.