This week, President Trump stated that John McCain “was a war hero because he was captured and I like people who weren’t captured.” That’s harsh, but let’s remember that time Trump bravely refused to hide in a bunker.
- Old Print Articles: An amphibious automobile is successfully tested in NYC (1907) + A look back a nude colonial American wedding (1934).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: Here’s one phone call I hope the NSA is recording.
- Douglas Coupland sees our future as a deluge of data.
- John Markoff tries to make sense of a robotic, automated tomorrow.
- Paul Mason thinks information technology will end capitalism.
- The Internet of Things eventually will be the Internet of NO Things.
- Babies engineered for higher IQs are probably inevitable.
- Michael Graziano tries to make an artificial brain aware of a tennis ball.
- Japan’s new robot hotel does not need any human workers.
- The airport of the future will likely be filled with robots and sensors.
- In 2005, Tim Weiner wrote about the future of the robot soldier.
- Minus commercial airlines, we’d be the 1950s with the Internet.
- Peter Diamandis thinks we will soon have a “world of perfect knowledge.”
- Some folks still believe Uber cares about Labor. It does not.
- The Hyperloop might work better on Mars, but it was intended for our planet.
- Radical life extension would change the very nature of marriage.
- Is there a link between mental illness and economic development?
- Donald Trump is the price the GOP pays for no immigration reform.
- Noam Scheiber argues that economy’s Uberization began in the ’70s.
- Against all odds, Vladimir Nabokov wrote a Great American Novel.
- Spiegel managed to interview a rare member of ISIS captured alive.
- Slavoj Žižek believes modern China an experiment that might explode.
- Johann-Dietrich Woerner of the European Space Agency wants a moon colony.
- We should probably already be thinking about smart-city problems.
- Corporate “space states” could eventually become a reality.
- Royal College of Art students rethink car design for the driverless age.
- The late Hollywood agent Jerry Weintraub possessed amazing access.
- A brief note from 1943 about Zorita the snake girl.
- A brief note from 1909 about a thirsty burro.
- A brief note from 1954 about telephone watches.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.