Highlights From Yet Another Week Of Afflictor

As sad as it was that Joan Rivers passed away this week, perhaps it's best she didn't revive. After not getting any oxygen to her brain for five or ten minutes, she likely would have been a...

As sad as it is that Joan Rivers passed away this week, perhaps it’s best she didn’t revive. After not getting any oxygen to her brain for several minutes, she likely would have been little more than a…


  • Watson has moved from providing known answers to the unknown.
  • We probably need to redefine the meaning of “job.”
  • Globalization has caused income inequality to rise within nations.
  • Chuck Todd isn’t sure that President Obama is emotionally disengaged.
  • Štefan Klein has designed an honest-to-goodness flying car.
  • Peter Thiel thinks we’ve lost our edge technologically.
  • A brief note from 1911 about a bad meal.