Afflictor: Wishing Richard Sherman would stop with the antisocial behavior, so we can all get back to enjoying some good, clean fun.
- Old Print Articles: Tight corset kills cross-dressing actor (1912) + Horrific baby show opens in Manhattan (1877) + A peek inside the Egyptian mummy trade (1888).
- Featured Videos: Gene Wilder and Cloris Leachman, on the set of Young Frankenstein, interviewed for Spanish TV (1974) + A Bronx probation officer recalls trying desperately to aid a troubled, 12-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald (1967) + George Plimpton’s Video Falconry is still amazing + An LP recording of David Frost interviewing Robert F. Kennedy (1972) + John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd interviewed by Gene Shalit (1981) + A location film from Planet of the Apes (1968) + A great portrait of Werner Herzog as Fitzcarraldo was set to screen at Cannes (1982) + Bill Gates got waxed but good in chess by Magnus Carlsen.
- Recently Posted On NYC’s Craigslist: Better customer service than Amazon + Obamacare still working out the kinks + Or maybe you want your time machine to be sexier + The exit interview did not go well.
- There’s no ethical way to eat or wear animals, no matter how we fool ourselves.
- Poor people may not be poor because of their habits but because they’re poor.
- Ai Weiwei discusses surveillance with Spiegel.
- Bill Murray did a wide-ranging Ask Me Anything at Reddit.
- Computer scientist Roger Schank thinks we should lower expectations on AI.
- In areas in which humans and AI both function, we will lose out.
- Evgeny Morozov wants us to choose lesser products. It won’t happen.
- Thirty years later, a look back at Apple’s “1984” ad.
- Gossip is useful, despite what Sir Clement Freud’s objections.
- The reasons videos go viral do not flatter our intellect.
- Thomas Mann interviewed by the New York Times just before his death.
- Google wants to offer free, autonomous taxi rides to casinos and malls.
- Texas has unwittingly laid the groundwork for organ conscription.
- Massively Open Online Courses are a (righteous) threat to higher education.
- Induct’s Navia is the first autonomous car to come to the market.
- Amazon is working on “anticipatory ordering” and “speculative shipping.”
- Despite what Princeton researchers say, Facebook won’t soon be a ghost town.
- Our universe may be a computer simulation. Does that matter?
- Memory is usually inelastic, but it is malleable.
- If a good-sized asteroid was going to hit Earth in 72 hours, what could we do?
- Paramount Pictures has stopped distributing films on film.
- Many young people want to go to Mars and never return.
- Creative destruction could, perhaps, destroy more than it creates.
- Some passages from David Remnick’s new President Obama piece.
- Big Data invades soccer’s Premier League.
- Optical illusions aren’t just fun but have educational value.
- In the 1960s, GE built elephantine robots for the U.S. Army.
- War may end only when we dream up something worse.
- A brief note from 1890 about a simian duel.
- A brief note from 1899 about a music lesson.
- A brief note from 1892 about a good beating.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.