Old Print Article: “Two Lizards Kill Girl,” New York Times (1910)

The entire Ohio medical establishment was apparently drunk a century ago, which can be the only explanation for the following primordial nightmare of a story from the December 11, 1910 New York Times:

Cleveland–A live lizard, six inches in length, and the head of another lizard were discovered in the stomach of Miss Lovie Herman, 19 years old, who died early Friday morning at her home.

Cleveland physicians and surgeons are interested in the case, and a number of them will attend the post-mortem examination to be held at Akron to-day. Miss Herman had been ill a year from a disease which puzzled many specialists. 

Last Monday the attending physician succeeded in bringing from the girl’s stomach the live lizard and the head of the second one, but too late to save her life.

The family formerly lived in Millersburg, Ohio, and drank water from a spring. It is supposed that the girl swallowed the lizard’s eggs while drinking, and that they hatched and killer her.”
