Today New York City Smells Like:

Spring break at Trump University.


Everyone whose check clears gets an A+.

Everyone whose check clears gets an A+.

I'm deeply in debt and have to unwind.

Tuition has left me deeply in debt. Maybe I’ll rob a liquor store and steal a car to fund my Spring Break trip.

CanI help you?

Can I help you?

Empty the register.

Empty the register.

Panama City, here I come!

I didn’t mean to murder the clerk. Oh, well. Next stop: Panama City.

Show me your tits.

Show me your tits.

What have I done? God will never forgive me.

What have I done? I’ll never be forgiven.

Put your hands up.

Put your hands up.

You'll never take me alive!

You’ll never take me alive!

I found religion on the inside, and now I mentor others.

I escaped lethal injection and found religion on the inside. Now I mentor other prisoners.

Aren't these supposed to be funny?

Aren’t these supposed to be funny?