Afflictor: Feeling angry at Jann Wenner for putting that awful monster on the cover of Rolling Stone.
- Old Print Articles: Hungry wolves devour a bridal party in Russia (1911) + An amateur hypnotist is very good at checkers (1904).
- Classic Photograph: Samuel Reshevsky becomes a chess prodigy (1920).
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: Will Ryan Reynolds play “Daniel” or “Dr. Steven Mancini”? + It would appear that I have some sort of scientific lab and much pornography + And I’ll give you my tonsils for a Samsung Galaxy.
- Featured Videos: Sky Deutschland invents a new way to ads in your head + The trailer for Andrew Bujalski’s new film about chess and artificial intelligence.
- It’s probably not a good thing that selfies have became ubiquitous.
- A solitary Poughkeepsie man dies and his wife’s disappearance is finally solved.
- The very first Andy Kaufman comedy LP is released.
- On August 12, Elon Musk will reveal plans for the Hyperloop.
- Some people are already guessing how the Hyperloop will work.
- Flophouses, perhaps now making a comeback, possess societal good.
- A remembrance of the unfairly reviled work of Wilhelm Reich.
- Ask a Korean! argues with Malcolm Gladwell about plane crashes.
- Google wins even if they don’t dominate driverless car or Glass categories.
- We have willingly handed over our privacy to corporate overlords.
- Considering all sides of the issue of athletes and PEDs.
- A list of the ten most controversial Wikipedia articles.
- Robobees might be able to pollinate flowers.
- Internet pioneer Vint Cerf considers the future of libraries.
- A brief note from 1896 about a persuadable man.
- A brief note from 1893 about a famished father.
- A brief note from 1902 about perpetual hiccoughs.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.