“What Kind Of Noises Did Dinosaurs Make?”

From an Ask Me Anything at Reddit with British paleontologist Dave Hone, an exchange about the type of “voices” dinosaurs had:


What kind of noises did dinosaurs make? Hiss like crocs? Sing like birds? Croon like Elvis?

Dave Hone:

Probably all of the above, at least potentially. It’s hard to say as we can’t easily say if many were more bird-like or more croc-like: birds have special throats that help them make noises but nothing shows up in the bones – dinosaurs could have had them and we’re unlikely every to know. Certainly though across the whole range of species I’m sure there was a lot of variation in pitch, volume and style.


What are the chances, if you could even give it, that the T-Rex sounds exactly like it does in the film Jurassic Park?

Dave Hone:

Exactly like? Low. Big deep roar? Reasonable.”
