Donald Trump: Lost a Rolex once while fisting.
Donald Trump recently got into trouble when he sent out a tweet that seemed anti-Semitic.
I promise you that I’m much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz – I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated.
That does sound sort of prejudiced, like he’s trying to “expose” Stewart as Jewish, as if that were a negative thing to be, something shameful that must be hidden. But maybe Donald Trump didn’t intend it that way. I mean, it’s not like he referred to Stewart with an anti-Semitic stereotype by calling him “pushy” or something like that.
Jon Stewart(?) nothing funny or smart just loud & obnoxious, a pushy dope.
Okay, yes, Donald Trump is anti-Semitic in addition to being an orange-headed racist buffoon. But give him credit for one thing: He is a stud nonpareil. He says so himself and why would Donald Trump lie?
@ChrisCJackson: @realDonaldTrump I’m pretty sure your wife is cheating on you at this exact second.” Sorry, no-one else can satisfy her!
Generous man that he is, Donald Trump is ready to share his sex tips with aspiring hounds.

Okay guys, remember to wear form-fitting clothes to show the ladies your rock-hard abs. You’ll have them salivating like I do.

But will it work for an average joe like me, Mr. Trump.

I did what you said and got terrible crabs. My stuff really itches.