“A Lady Ripped Off The Head Of An Edward Cullen Standee”

When people are turned down for a jobs at Arby’s they become movie-theater employees. One such worker just did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. A few exchanges follow.



What’s the weirdest thing [you’ve seen]?


I’ll give you my top three weirdest moments

  1. A larger lady had a heart attack at the Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1 premiere. She ran out into the middle of the lobby, started hysterically screaming, then just collapsed, i was on crowd control that night, so i had to run out to the middle of the lobby and make sure she was okay, i coudln’t tell if she was just messing around and was crazy (like every Twilight fan) or if she was really in trouble, ten minutes later an ambulance showed up and took her away…not sure what happened from then on.
  2. At the midnight premier of Magic Mike, (the Channing Tatum stripper movie) I had a large lady grab me and start pulling of my shirt yelling “strip for me, strip for me.” Was terrifying.
  3. any occasion with drunk people in the theaters.


That’s sexual assault. That is not okay. Unless you enjoyed it. Did you enjoy it?


A little….



What is your job in movie theater? Do you sell tickets? Do you sell foods? Are you ticket collector? And tell me the funniest thing you saw in there.


99% of the time i sell movie tickets, the rest of the time i just kinda roam around, funniest thing i have seen recently, was a lady, after thoroughly looking around, ripped off the head of an Edward Cullen Standee and subtlely walked out the door with it. I was too busy laughing to go stop her.



Would you rather watch a movie about 100 duck-sized horses or a movie about one horse-sized duck?


[No response.]