“With All Due Respect, Do You Understand What Circumference Means?”

The idea that women ever have to pay for sex confounds, but a Los Angeles man who is a male escort (or so he claims) who only services females (or so he claims) just did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit. A few excerpts follow.



What is your average client like? Age, appearance, etc. What normally happens at one of your appointments?


Most of my clients are between 25-45 years old. I have been with girls I would say were 9/10 and down to 4/10 (due to weight issues). Most of them are professionals who are too busy with work, or have useless husbands, or just want to get the deed done and be done with it.

Usually it consists of dinner or coffee to get to know each other and so I can get a feel for what they are expecting. After that we go a private place and I try to fulfill whatever needs they have.



How does one get into your line of work? How important are looks for men in your field?


I actually got into the line of work after working at massage spa. Women would leave me their numbers and after meeting with them a few would offer to pay me for my services since they thought I was an escort.

Looks are very important on my end since a women can get any regular guy to sleep with them. I am at the gym 5 days week, I keep up the cleanliness and grooming on a daily basis. Most of the girls are looking for a muscular man which is the hardest part since my frame in general is small. It took me 2 years to gain 40lbs of muscle; I am 6′ and 205 lbs with 7% body fat.



What are your prices like? How do you find new clients?


$250 an hour with 2 hour minimum. Usually I get new clients from previous clients who give their friends referrals or through dating websites.



Worst encounter?


I have a lot of bad encounters but the worst was with a girl who was roughly 200 lbs and 5’2″. She wanted it in the back but I couldn’t since her butt was literally in the way. I ended up giving her the money back and never heard from her again.



How big?


7 1/4″ long and 2 1/2″ wide.


Without girth that’s useless!


I am 2 1/2″ wide, not its circumference.


I meant to ask for circumference




7.5″ in circumference? With all due respect, do you understand what circumference means?