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“Along to help out is Rupert, a middle-aged Korean man.”

Miracle Road–eBook (Upper East Side)

An English woman stricken with great misfortune will soon be offered the help of an unlikely prostitute… a.k.a The Chaldean Whore. Along to help out is Rupert, a middle-aged Korean man. Brace Yourselves… On An Epic Journey Through Miracle Road! 

These three souls, each tormented in the past will come together as they try and come to terms with what’s happened to them. Their life regrets and hardships will be recounted. It’s a struggle for happiness… a basic human necessity that’s been RAVAGED, TAKEN and BURIED somewhere deep inside them. 

Life goes on. But with looming memories, happiness… HAS A LIMIT!

*Author’s Sneak Peak: One is human. The other two? Suspiciously different.