“Some scientists have published a plan to transform a part of the Sahara desert into a lush forest.” (Image by Luca Galuzzi.)
If we want to keep Earth livable for as long a span of time as possible, our best bet would be to switch as soon as possible to alternative fuels and halt meat production. Or we could go the riskier route and try to terraform parts of the planet, maybe turning our deserts into rain forests. But that could cause complications since networks are interconnected. From Stuart Fox at PopSci:
“Now that scientists agree that humans have profoundly changed the Earth’s climate, many have begun asking if we can use our globe-altering power to simply change it back. Geoengineering, essentially terraforming on Earth, has been floated as a cure for global warming a number of times over the past year, but now some scientists have published a plan to transform a part of the Sahara desert into a lush forest, and in the process, absorb enough carbon to offset the world’s current fossil fuel use. The catch: it will cost $2 trillion a year, and possibly destroy the Amazon jungle while unleashing giant swarms of locusts across Africa.”