A Brief Note From 1897 About Warring Neighbors

From the July 1, 1895 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“Mrs. Amelia Hirsch, a little woman of 40 years, had Mrs. Carrie Heidenreich, who is 22 years old, arraigned in the Lee Avenue police court to-day for having called her a black witch. The women live in the tenement house, 683 Flushing Avenue.

‘I did call her a black witch,’ said Mrs. Heidenreich, ‘because she hypnotized my husband. He was a good man until we moved into the house. Now she controls all his actions. She caused him to hit me with a chair and said the beating served me right. I forbade him going up to her rooms and watched the stairs but he climbed up the fire escape. He cannot resist the peculiar influence she has over him.’

Mrs. Heidenreich was advised to move from the house if she believed her husband was hypnotized.”

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