Afflictor: Believing that the Affordable Care Act being upheld means that Martin will eventually be able to get that nosebleed looked at.
- What does it mean that Al Goldstein and Larry Flynt were once, not too long ago, considered the filthiest, most disgraceful people in the nation, and now even the most obscene thing they were selling can easily be viewed on a computer screen in any home?
- Old Print Articles: Frontier legend Calamity Jane in her dotage (1901) + A sketch of slain desperado Buckskin Joe (1871).
- Classic Photograph: Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, Flirting (1933).
- Featured Videos: Look inside the Palo Alto Byte Shop (1977) + Groucho Marx sasses Ray Bradbury (1955) + Fitness industry blooms as Information Age begins (1975) + Moral philosopher Peter Singer questions our priorities + B.F. Skinner discusses education in long-form interview + Michael Crichton believed Orwell’s 1984 vision came true + The first commercial for Atari’s Pong (1975) + Failure Analysis Associates of Los Angeles figure out why disaster occurred (1977) + The Sand Flea Jumping Robot can leap 30 feet + Paintable batteries developed at Rice University.
- Recently Posted on NYC’s Craigslist: Please recycle + I hate my job and love my bong + Even if you like hunting, I can make you feel dirty + I am go to pretend I’m morally conflicted before doing my son’s friend.
- Dissident Chen Guangcheng decries China’s enforced urbanization.
- Japanese design engineering firm creates alternate human organ system.
- Maybe we should develop and utilize the space beneath our streets.
- Chris Anderson examines the brave new world of drones.
- Claudine Longet had it all–husband, kids and lover–for awhile.
- Scientists want to hack into Stephen Hawking’s brain.
- Dutch company plans a reality show on Mars in 2023.
- China’s hopes for soccer mirror the country’s broader goals.
- Pediatric anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar knew eyes could deceive.
- Lewis Lapham appraises our technological age of miracles.
- Nora Ephron was a prominent voice in New Journalism.
- Bill James approved of the Congressional steroid hearings.
- Patti Maes thinks smartphones will soon change dramatically.
- The cutting edge of auto design resurfaces at Le Mans.
- State capitalism may not be the death of innovation.
- Ste Pickford still sketches on a pad with a pencil in the Digital Age.
- Visiting a Chinese restaurant staffed by robots.
- A brief note from 1890 about horse bologna.
- A brief note from 1888 about a missing salesman.
- A brief note from 1892 about a sleeping man.
- This week’s Afflictor keyphrase searches.