“Every Single One Has Lost A Significant Person In Their Life And That Caused Them To Get Worse”

Life takes so much from us, sometimes a great deal all at once but usually through a series of small, excruciating thefts. Eventually, everything’s gone. Some people–they would be heroes if they were making decisions rather than acting compulsively–resist. An excerpt from an Ask Me Anything thread on Reddit, in which someone who assists hoarders accepts questions:

IaMa home assistant for compulsive hoarders AMA (self.IAmA)

submitted  ago by imwhiteontheinside

I cant tell you names or anything to specify the people I work/worked with, but other than that, ask away, 

[–]yawnoc 2 points  ago

What does it take to make you squirm? What was the worst house you’ve ever seen? 

[–]imwhiteontheinside[S] 1 point  ago

It takes a lot to make me squirm and surprisingly most of the homes I have go e into haven’t been “dirty” they have a TREMENDOUS amount of things in them but most things like food and perishables are thrown away.

One house I helped with actually didn’t throw away anything and that was definitely the worst. She had used feminine napkins in bags. I never got to ask her why she kept those she was already incredibly embarrassed about everything else.

Of course with all these homes most people know they have a problem and just feel overwhelmed to do anyhing about it but this woman definitely had something else going on. 

[–]sunnyfunny 2 points  ago

what is your feeling when doing your job?

[–]imwhiteontheinside[S] 1 point  ago

Most of the time I actually feel very frustrated. And so do the people I work with. Mainly because it takes hrs, weeks, years, to actually make a visual difference. We don’t just through stuff out I have to help them make the decision of gettin rid of their stuff and help them work through the loss of their stuff.

[–]crumb_buckets 3 points  ago

What’s the most interesting collection you have come across? 

[–]imwhiteontheinside[S] 2 points  ago

One woman was very very involved in arts and crafts so she would save everything she possibly could that he believed she could make a piece out of. So her house contained a lot of nick nacks she found and the art she built out of that

I really loved working with her because she knew where she found absolutely everything! She must have had millions of little things but knew about all of it.

[–]dizzystuff-folks 2 points  ago

Are there specific causes behind someone beginning to hoard?

[–]imwhiteontheinside[S] 2 points  ago

I have not done scientific research or anything but some people think its a form of OCD.

Regarding the people I have met, Every single one has lost a significant person in their life and that caused them to get worse and eventually need help.

Most already have hoarding tendencies but then have a loss and start to try and fill the void with stuff.”