"The funds will be used to 'design, program, harden, and field-test the apps with bonobo testers and to connect them to robots.'" (Image by Ltshears.)
Giving a bonobo its own robot to control remotely isn’t, on the face if it, as dangerous as letting a kangaroo have an A-bomb, but I still have my concerns. Nonetheless, unless this is an early April fools joke, a new Kickstarter campaign wants to match primates and bots. From IEEE Spectrum:
“What Dr. Ken Schweller (a professor of computer science and psychology and chair of the Great Ape Trust) wants to do is develop a set of Internet-connected keyboards that the bonobos can carry around with them and use to communicate directly with humans. Humans, for their part, will be able to use an app that translates their speech directly to the symbols used by the bonobos, potentially opening up real-time two-way intelligent communication between you and another species.
RoboBonobo and Bonobo Chat are trying to raise $20,000 on Kickstarter; the funds will be used to ‘design, program, harden, and field-test the apps with bonobo testers and to connect them to robots and other external devices.’ That’s a little bit unspecific for such a large sum of money (although we do know that the robot in the picture above will be getting a total redesign), but at least the $500 level reward is pretty awesome: you get to have a live Skype chat session with a bonobo, completely safe from rampaging RoboBonobos with water cannons.”
Tags: Ken Schweller