“We Can Reliably Foresee A Time In Which Everybody Is Going To Be Using Steroids Or Their Pharmaceutical Descendants”

Debbie Bramwell: Holy fuck. (Image by Lukascb.)

In the future, Bill James’s 2009 statement about performance-enhancing drugs will likely be proven right:

“If we look into the future, then, we can reliably foresee a time in which everybody is going to be using steroids or their pharmaceutical descendants. We will learn to control the health risks of these drugs, or we will develop alternatives to them. Once that happens, people will start living to age 200 or 300 or 1,000, and doctors will begin routinely prescribing drugs to help you live to be 200 or 300 or 1,000. If you look into the future 40 or 50 years, I think it is quite likely that every citizen will routinely take anti-aging pills every day.”
