Featured Video: “Rolling Through The Bay”

Toothpick artist and Marin County native Scott Weaver used his art–and 3,000 free hours– to recreate the gorgeous city of San Francisco. The excerpt below about him and his work is taken from Weaver’s website:

“My family lived in San Francisco for 3 generations. My great-grandfather had a winery in the 1880’s at Montgomery and Jackson St, about a block from where the Transamerica pyramid is located. My grandparents had a house at 518 12th Ave, between Anza and Balboa. My mom and dad had a house on Quintera, then moved to Marin, where I was born. I started building toothpick sculptures in 1968, when I was 8 years old. My early structures were abstract and about 2 – 4 feet tall. I built one sculpture that had a ping-pong ball roll through it. In 1974 I started a new sculpture and added the Golden Gate Bridge and Lombard Street, that also had a ping-pong ball roll through it. This is what started what is now “Rolling Through the Bay.” Over the years I have worked on “Rolling Through the Bay,” on-and-off, sometimes not working on it for years at-a-time, to do other projects and get married to my beautiful wife, Rochelle, and have a wonderful son, Tyler. I love working with toothpicks and hope to do so for years to come.”
