Afflictor Nation: Sending Out A Warm Welcome To Three Countries–Italy, Malaysia And Sweden!

Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi: Yuck. (Image by Ricardo Stuckert.)

July has been by far Afflictor’s best month of traffic, especially abroad. All sorts of people around the world apparently have nothing better to do than waste their time on an idiotic website. With dozens of nations checking in, we’d like to take this opportunity to extend a welcome to recent visitors Italy, Malaysia and Sweden, three countries not powerful enough to cause any real problems. I guess I should give up an especially warm welcome to you, Italy, my ancestral homeland. You know, Italy. It’s the boot-shaped one run by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a gross media mogul without a trace of decency. Imagine Joe Francis with nine billion dollars and real political power. Berlusconi has made corruption, conflicts of interest and prostitution central parts of Italian government. Not a surprising performance coming from a guy who labeled Mussolini a “benign dictator.” No wonder my people left. Regardless: Welcome to Afflictor Nation, Italy, Malaysia and Sweden!
