Why was I was tougher on vapid but harmless Paris Hilton than on a nutjob leader of the Tea Party? (Image by Rubenstein.)
- “Glenn Beck has made me very introspective.”
- “My hero is Jim DeMint.”
- “What I’ve seen of Sarah Palin I’ve been impressed with.”
- “Obama has spent a lot of money to cover up his documentation.”
- “[America] demonizes business.”
- “The [Iraqi] leader was a weapon of mass destruction.”
- “Aren’t most of Obama’s actions unconstitutional?”
- “I don’t see us being the ones to start [a Civil War], but I would give up my life for my country.”
- “Peaceful means are the best way of going about it. But sometimes you are not given a choice.”
- “I’m a pacifist.”
Tags: David Letterman, Pamela Stout