Listeria: Top 5 Lesser-Known Misogynistic Mythological Creatures

Gray Woman: I have two eyeballs and I don't share them.

With the aid of Edith Hamilton‘s classic text, Mythology, and the Theoi Greek Mythology site, I bring you the top five lesser-known misogynistic mythological creatures.

  • Harpies: Frightful flying creatures with hooked beaks and claws who always left behind a loathsome stench.
  • Gray Women: Extremely withered and strange trio of women. Shared one tooth and one eye. Inserted and removed eyeball in their foreheads.
  • Gorgades: A tribe of female creatures whose bodies were covered entirely with hair.
  • Akhlys: The demon of misery. Pale green hag with bleeding cheeks and tear-stained eyes.
  • Empousai: Fierce underworld demons who used the guise of sexually attractive raven-haired women to lure young men to their death. Had mismatched legs of brass and donkey.

Read other Listeria lists.
