A peacock. But proud?
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams seems like an all-around good guy and may be the funniest person on network television, but comments he made on a recent Daily Nightly blog post gave me pause. He wrote the following:
“One internet headline today perfectly summed up the odd mix of stories currently being covered by the media—and the blurring of importance between the two. It read: “Tiger Woods Admits Cheating, No One Knows What Will Happen In Afghanistan.”
That damned media! How dare they confuse the seriousness of important news with tabloid sensationalism. It must be difficult for Brian Williams and his family to sit at home and watch the anchor of NBC Nightly News run Tiger Woods stories ad nauseam and spend precious airtime on the Yale murder case, which taught us nothing, instead of focusing more minutes on health care or Afghanistan. Maybe someday Williams will host a news program and things will be different.
Actually, I would assume this post was Williams’ tacit acknowledgement that he’s uncomfortable to be part of the Roman circus that is contemporary media. But since he’s not taking a bold stand on the matter, he might want to instead use the phrase “those of us in the media” in the future so it doesn’t sound like he’s referring to other people who lack his lofty standards.
Tags: Brian Williams, NBC, Tiger Woods, Yale Murder Case