Todd Reisz

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How does Dubai not have an underwater hotel–or twelve–already? Deep Ocean Technology is planning to remedy this oversight with the Water Discus Underwater Hotel, which will have accommodations both above and below sea level. Whether the hotel materializes or not, no one will be surprised. From Simeon Kerr of the Financial Times:

“Before the financial crisis that hit Dubai in 2009, there were plans to build an underwater hotel, known as Hydropolis, but the project has not materialised.

‘This is certainly not the first time that a technological salesman has come to Dubai and, if this project fades away, it wouldn’t be the first time either,’ said Todd Reisz, editor at Al Manakh, a project researching urban development in Gulf cities.

The announcement has revived memories of the seemingly crazy schemes dreamt up during the city’s property bubble that ended with a bust that pushed the emirate to the brink of default in 2009.”

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