Russell Harty

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In 1973, Russell Harty spent a weekend at Salvador Dali’s Catalonian home to create an appropriately insane portrait of the 69-year-old artist and his “cybernetic mind.” On display: Al Capone’s Cadillac, General Franco’s granddaughter and an “instantaneous plastic web.” Dali reveals that his two favorite animals are the rhinoceros and a filet of sole. Amazing stuff.

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Charlton Heston interviewed about his career, including parts he would have rather forgotten, by the gleefully obnoxious Russell Harty in 1979.

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Russell Harty visits Quentin Crisp’s filth-covered East Village dump in 1985.

At one point, Crisp comments that what makes New York City different is that it’s the only place where everyone talks to everyone. That may still be true for certain strips of Brooklyn, but it’s mostly a thing of the past otherwise. And it’s not just New Yorkers who have become so alienated from others–people who visit here from the rest of the country (and the rest of the world) seem even worse. We’ve always been tribal, but the tribe used to be more bound to geography and genuineness. No more. Now the virtual network of “friends” we accrue online is our tribe. The other self we create on social networks, which has only a glancing connection to the truth, is who we think we are. But it’s not real and we’re disconnected from ourselves and disenchanted with reality when it has the gall to encroach on our bubble. Things have gotten murky.

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Russell Harty, who played a huge wanker on TV, interviewing Gary Numan on a plane.

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Russell Harty, who in British parlance was a “world-class prat,” interviews David Bowie via TV remote in 1975. Harty was in Britain while Bowie was in Los Angeles, having just shot The Man Who Fell To Earth. Nobody was more meant to be a disembodied head on a television screen than Bowie. He was the original Max Headroom.

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