
You are currently browsing the archive for the Misc. category.

This week, Gold medal swimmer Ryan Lochte saw his public image take a slight turn for the worse.

This week, Gold medal swimmer Ryan Lochte saw his public image take a slight turn for the worse.



  • Robin Chase says driverless necessitates a radical reworking of capitalism.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. demis hassabis future of ai
  2. technological, coputerized nightmare
  3. king tut tomb howard carter
  4. replicating einstein’s genome
  5. rich chinese kids in vancouver
  6. the future of capitalism
  7. nena von schlebrugge married to timothy leary
  8. john hulbert executioner
  9. stories about the aga khan
  10. what was the first wearable computer?
This week, reports stated that sweltering heat and piles of trash may make NYC responsible for even more flying cockroaches.

This week, the combination of sweltering heat and piles of trash caused giant flying cockroaches to be spotted in NYC.



  • Paywalls have not proved a panacea for ailing newspaper companies.
  • Tyler Cowen explores the “contagion of mood” upsetting global politics.
  • Steve Hsu writes of the impact genetic engineering will have on sports.
  • DNA may de-extinct woolly mammoths and preserve old films.
  • The Economist thinks about the pros and cons of the end of aging.


10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. fthe future is not what it used to be erkki kurenniemi
  2. hetty green millionaire miser
  3. harpo marx interviewed on tv
  4. marcel marceau interview
  5. 1972 interview with indira gandhi
  6. laws (lethal autonomous weapons systems
  7. uber drivers can’t afford to be ft employees
  8. robots terraforming the moon
  9. alfred hitchcock death
  10. british scientist w.d. verschoyle



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. james jameson cannibal affair
  2. article from 1960s about driverless cars
  3. marlon brando taught weird acting class
  4. dorothy stratten on the tonight show prior to her murder
  5. children of light commune
  6. max factor jr. 1939
  7. mary todd lincoln adjudged insane
  8. jay j armes detective
  9. jackie collins writer sexual revolution
  10. mollie fancher the “fasting girl”
This week, Donald Trump answered Khizr Khan's charges that the GOP nominee hadn't made any sacrifices for his country, pointing out that he had seen action in many bunkers.

This week, Donald Trump answered Khizr Khan’s charges that the GOP nominee hadn’t made any sacrifices for America, saying he’s repeatedly seen action in bunkers.



  • Ray Kurzweil thinks better tools are making the world seem worse than it is.
  • The Economist explains why Cleveland, Silicon Valley 1.0, foundered.
  • Brain chips may soon make us smarter but perhaps not morally superior.
  • Rob Rhinehart, Soylent beverage creator, is living off the grid in L.A.
  • The VCR, which helped the masses become programmers, is no more.
  • Miss Cleo, the Ron Popeil of psychic powers, just died



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. edwin frank new york review books imprint
  2. electronic baseball umpires 1950
  3. obituary of philip kives of k tel
  4. jodorowsky film based on rené daumal
  5. edward o. thorp first wearable computer
  6. jerry stahl thoughts on literature
  7. luciano floridi ai existential threat
  8. facebook news department
  9. recent news about john mcafee
  10. ben howe on tea party republicans
This week, those Americans who enabled Donald Trump descended upon Cleveland for the GOP Convention.

This week, those Americans who enabled Donald Trump descended upon Cleveland for the GOP Convention.



  • Does it matter that we might be living in a simulation? Well, sure.
  • Immortalist Aubrey de Grey conducted a Reddit AMA.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. anders sandberg futurist
  2. hugh hefner young
  3. al goldstein technology newsletter
  4. 1896 olympics
  5. philip k dick how to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart
  6. mike tyson with jake lamotta
  7. robert mitchum jail
  8. howard hughes fingernails
  9. chicken george from roots
  10. what is margaret atwood most afraid of?
Despite having a dissolute manwhore atop the ticket, the GOP hais faith Mike Pence can help realize its vision for America.

Despite having a dissolute manwhore atop the ticket, the GOP has faith ultraconservative Mike Pence can help realize its vision for America.



  • Zoltan Istvan talks immortality, biohacking and anti-doughnut laws.
  • Nick Bilton believes Pokémon Go a symptom of technological stagnation.
  • LA Weekly looks inside the troubled news company they now call “tronc.”



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. f.t. mainetti and the futurists
  2. harold robbins hated philip roth
  3. what is a nanobot?
  4. ta-nehisi coates playboy interview
  5. claus von bulow with barbara walters
  6. harry reems obituary
  7. mazie gordon of the bowery
  8. faith healer francis schlatter
  9. johnny carson ayn rand
  10. rudolph valentino funeral
This week, Gretchen Carlson, a highly educated person who pretended to be a dim housewife on Fox News, filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes. Even if he's fired there's a job waiting for him at HGTV.

This week, Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against loathsome Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, but even if he’s fired, there’s a job for him at Home & Garden TV.

If you want to work in this industry, baby, you're going to have to be nice to me.

If you want to work in this industry, baby, you’re going to have to be nice to me.

Ill show you my penis.

I’ll show you my penis now.


  • Foreign Affairs looks at what’s right and wrong with the U.S economy.


trump4-1 (1)


Today is a special day when Americans eat too much, drink too much and blow stuff up. That’s right, it’s Monday.

Oh, and it’s also July 4th, the anniversary of when we decided in 1776 to wax those British father-rapers who were taxing us and then using that money to supply us with basic services we desperately needed. I mean, we would have died. The English were so upset about our Declaration of Independence that they impulsively decided to commit suicide just 240 years later.

Yes, it’s the birthday of the U.S.A., the greatest nation in the history of the world. If you forget that America is the best country ever, don’t worry, we’ll remind you every five minutes. That’s because we’re enormous and wealthy yet deeply insecure, much like Donald Trump, who hopes to become President mainly so that he can masturbate in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Luckily, other countries are far worse than we are, so they can’t say shit. Yes, Turkmenistan, I’m looking at you. Suck it, weirdos! And if any of you talk trash about us, we’ll know right away because we’re listening in on all your private conversations. We can’t help it: Spying on you, sexy world, gets us really, really hard.

Anyhow, enjoy a safe and happy holiday!

A special performance of “America the Beautiful” by Meat Loaf and Mitt Romney.

10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. cheap brain emulations
  2. form of government on mars
  3. it’s time to turn off the dog
  4. gay talese at plato’s retreat
  5. david petraeus interview
  6. alec ross work in the future
  7. isadora duncan killed
  8. french surrealist writer rené daumal
  9. wealthy young chinese in vancouver
  10. nat hentoff’s merle haggard article
This week, Trump's most ardent  supporters took a break from the campaign to take advantage of July 4th white sales.

This week, Trump’s most ardent supporters took a break from the campaign to take advantage of July 4th white sales.

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  • Russ Roberts & Kevin Kelly talk the latter’s new book, The Inevitable.
  • Baidu’s Andrew Ng suggests AI might necessitate a new New Deal.
  • A brief note from 1929 about a widower.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. what would andy warhol do if he was president?
  2. julian wasser roman polanski
  3. alfred hitchcock as a gravedigger
  4. oriana fallaci intervista cassius clay
  5. was one of donald trump’s parents an orangutan?
  6. deborah friedell writing about trump
  7. malcolm gladwell on ron popeil
  8. doukhobor nude protests
  9. 19th century free-love commune
  10. chinese cloning factory
This week, a dishonest, divisive man with bizarre hair enjoyed a political victory, and it actually wasn't Donald Trump/

This week, a dishonest, divisive man with bizarre hair enjoyed a political victory, and it actually wasn’t Donald Trump.



  • Tyler Cowen worries about the state of men in America (and elsewhere).
  • Evan Osnos turned out an article and Reddit AMA on guns in the U.S.
  • My hunch is the advent of driverless cars won’t lead to Suburbia 2.0.
  • Sustainability isn’t about recreating the past but learning from it.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week: 

  1. ian frazier we live in a craven time
  2. financial times article about buchanan county by edward luce
  3. donald trump campaigning in coal country
  4. unu next president
  5. daniel kahneman and noah yuval harari 21st century economics
  6. russian wedding party killed by wolves
  7. we’re always online
  8. vidal-buckley feud
  9. the man who fell to earth alien
  10. some of us who live in arid parts of the world think about water with a reverence others might find excessive
This week, Donald Trump revealed his plans for making American water parks safe during Summer 2016.

This week, Donald Trump revealed his plans for safeguarding American water parks during Summer 2016.



  • The Guardian profiled philosopher/Silicon Valley muse Nick Bostrom.
  • Uber and Lyft want to not only destroy taxis but also each other.
  • Liberland, a planned micronation, aims to be a green tax haven.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. freeman dyson on wealth inequality
  2. richard feynman talking about manhattan project
  3. why does don lemon have a job?
  4. john lennon yoko ono bed in
  5. stewart brand on the sixth extinction
  6. can computers replace ceos?
  7. laszlo toth attacked the pieta
  8. edith vonnegut geraldo rivera
  9. the truth about bridey murphy
  10. when baseball wanted to bar radio broadcasts
This week, the New York Times reported Donald Trump's Casinos were a "protracted failure."

This week, the New York Times reported Donald Trump’s casinos were a “protracted failure.” Undeterred, he vowed to being some of his “best” Atlantic City managers to D.C., including Mr. Pickles.


Pickles be Secretary of State!


  • Charles Murray has a really bad Basic Income plan that would harm seniors.
  • The job losses in the newspaper biz over the last 25 years are beyond grim.
  • Surgery prior to the advent of general anesthesia was, of course, brutal.

One Thing


Have had almost no Internet connection this weekend and can’t go anywhere else to work today with the impending storm in NYC. Will get back to business tomorrow.–Darren



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. documentary about aubrey de grey
  2. a missed opportunity to rebuild american infrastructure
  3. early oliver sacks writing
  4. school for spacex employees kids
  5. david christian big history
  6. what was project cybersyn?
  7. oriana fallaci article about walter cronkite
  8. madalyn murray o’hair interview
  9. the final hours of howard hughes
  10. laika astrodog sputnik 2
This week,

This week, Bernie Sanders, who trails by 3 million votes, complained the nomination was being stolen from him. He also pointed out other things that should be his.

I want that kitty cat. Give it to me.

I want that kitty cat. Give it to me.


Give me that cat or I will punch it in its little face.

Give me that cat or I will punch its little face.



It's almost cat-punching time.

It’s almost cat-punching time.


  • MOOCs try to recover from their 1.0 stumbles.



10 search-engine keyphrases bringing traffic to Afflictor this week:

  1. joyce carol oates mike tyson
  2. grantland article about don king
  3. old time boxing promoter tex rickard
  4. evel knievel with johnny carson
  5. why is charlie rose like that?
  6. famous fat man putty philpotts
  7. life magazine editor ralph graves
  8. chief red fox 100 years old
  9. u.s. military robotization
  10. how do people get new ideas? asimov

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