Highlights From Yet Another Week Of Afflictor


This week, Donald Trump was trounced at the first Presidential debate. He quickly blamed the microphone, and he was right.

Technicians set up the stage for the Sept. 26 presidential debate between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.

Apparently the technician, a fatso with a sex tape, forgot to…

This week, Donald Trump bombed at the first debate despite working with one of the best

completely turn off his volume.


  • Edward Luce looks at the U.S. Presidential race, a sort of Reality TV show.
  • Freeman Dyson writes of Space Race 2.0 and a biotech version of Noah’s Ark.
  • Ryan Avent discusses the future of work in a highly automated world.
  • Zume Pizzeria is using robots rather than humans to prepare pies.
  • Many think the world is going to hell when data says the opposite is true. Why?
  • It’s possible the Digital Age will necessitate a new New Deal