“Even After Many Years, It Is Still A Very Upsetting Story”

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Manson Family member Leslie Van Houten has been recommended for parole by a California review board, which is just what Doris Tate feared. Convicted for the LaBianca murders, which were perpetrated the night after some of her fellow cultists killed Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski and Steven Parent.

Van Houten, who’s been denied parole 19 times previously, is been described as a model prisoner. It’s difficult to imagine that would have mattered much to the elder Tate, who crusaded during her life to keep Manson and his minions permanently behind bars.

In 1991, Tate appeared on an episode of To Tell the Truth hosted by Alex Trebek. This short-lived iteration of the venerable game show, which had a more provocative edge than such fare usually has, provided a platform for Tate’s crusade. Her statement on the program read: “When the parole hearings began for Sharon’s killers, I began to realize it was my mission to speak out for those who couldn’t…the victims.” Doris Tate passed away a year after this appearance as a result of a brain tumor. Begins at the 8:18 mark.