“We’re So Obsolete In Cyber


Donald Trump, Jean-Marie Le Pen with a neckwear line, was born into wealth and connections yet feels gypped.

He often expresses this inner void in terms of politics. In the 1980s, when he was a vocal opponent of President Ronald Reagan, he felt Japan was being allowed to rip us off. Now it’s China, Mexico and any nation not overwhelming us with gifts of oil and treasure. We need more. Well, he needs more. And nothing will ever be enough, because endless amounts of bragging and petroleum and steak meat can’t make up for a lack of parental love. 

In the New York Times, Maggie Haberman and David E. Sanger interviewed Trump about foreign policy. The GOP candidate extended his feelings of personal inadequacy to the topic of cyberwar, revealing an appalling lack of knowledge on the topic. An excerpt:

David Sanger:

The question was about cyber, how would you envision using cyberweapons? Cyberweapons in an attack to take out a power grid in a city, so forth.

Donald Trump:

First off, we’re so obsolete in cyber. We’re the ones that sort of were very much involved with the creation, but we’re so obsolete, we just seem to be toyed with by so many different countries, already. And we don’t know who’s doing what. We don’t know who’s got the power, who’s got that capability, some people say it’s China, some people say it’s Russia. But certainly cyber has to be a, you know, certainly cyber has to be in our thought process, very strongly in our thought process. Inconceivable that, inconceivable the power of cyber. But as you say, you can take out, you can take out, you can make countries nonfunctioning with a strong use of cyber. I don’t think we’re there. I don’t think we’re as advanced as other countries are, and I think you probably would agree with that. I don’t think we’re advanced, I think we’re going backwards in so many different ways. I think we’re going backwards with our military. I certainly don’t think we are, we move forward with cyber, but other countries are moving forward at a much more rapid pace. We are frankly not being led very well in terms of the protection of this country.•