“There’s Going To Be Weird People That Are Sweating In Your Car”

Not only are car dealers and renters challenged by GetAround, the new Airbnb-ish app that allows you to loan out your vehicle by the hour for a fee, but just imagine what the service will do, should it become successful, to no-tell motels and sex clubs. You know that new car smell? That will be gone.

Like much of the Peer Economy, it’s probably better for consumers and the environment, though it’s likely damaging to industries that actually provide solid jobs.

From Matt McFarland at the Washington Post:

For D.C. residents concerned that they won’t make enough income, GetAround is guaranteeing income of $1,000 in the first three months. Cars must have fewer than 125,000 miles and can’t be more than 10 years old. GetAround provides insurance for drivers during the rental period.

District resident Tara Boyle, 29, began renting her Mazda3 for $8 an hour a couple of weeks ago. Getaround recommended $7.50, but she wanted to charge more. (The $1,000 guarantee requires that you don’t raise your rate more than 20 percent above what Getaround recommends.)

Boyle can walk to work but didn’t want to sell her car, so she jumped at the chance for extra income. She hopes her car will be especially popular with other residents of the high-rise building she lives in. Boyle said she isn’t worried about a renter potentially scuffing up her bumpers during city driving, saying that comes with the territory.

“My dad said, ‘Why do you want to do this? There’s going to be weird people that are sweating in your car,’ ” Boyle said with a laugh. “I said, ‘Dad, a parking spot down here is, like, $200 a month, I want my car to pay for itself.’ ”•

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