A Brief Note From 1889 About A Family Reunion

From the August 18, 1889 Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

“‘Gloves which are sold as kid are often made of human skin,’ said Dr. Mark L. Nardyz, the Greek physician, of 716 Pine Street, yesterday. ‘The skin on the breast,’ continued the physician, ‘is soft and pliable and may be used for the making of gloves. When people buy gloves they never stop to question about the material of which they are made. The shopkeeper himself may be in ignorance, and the purchaser has no means of ascertaining whether the material is human skin or not. The fact is the tanning of human skin is extensively carried on in France and Switzerland. The product is manufactured into gloves, and these are imported into this country. Thus you see a person may be wearing part of a distant relative’s body and not know it.'”
