Highlights From Yet Another Week Of Afflictor

This week, President Obama was surprised to be criticized for his tan suit since previous Presidents have worn the same and hung out with cross-dressing men.

This week, Republicans became enraged when President Obama dared to wear tan skin to a press briefing. I mean, it couldn’t have been the suit, right?

  • Automation will destroy jobs and–perhaps–the middle class.
  • Death is now just another part of the stream of information.
  • Nick Bostrom thinks humans can survive anything apart from our creations.
  • The political dynamics in the Middle East are shifting in surprising ways.
  • Mars One is a wacky way to colonize space.
  • Craig Venter sees commercialization of science as a necessity.
  • David Lynch knows mid-sized movies are not having a moment.
  • Freak shows were a part of American life long before Barnum.
  • Tesla and GM are in a great race to create an affordable EV.