“Self-Flying Vehicles Could Open Up Entirely New Approaches To Moving Goods”

No real surprise that Amazon isn’t alone in its attempt to perfect delivery drones. In publicizing Project Wing, Google acknowledged its foray into this yet-to-exist market. From Michael Liedike at the Associated Press:

“Drones clearly could help Google expand an existing service that delivers goods purchased online on the day that they were ordered. Google so far is offering the same-day delivery service by automobiles in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles and New York.

‘Self-flying vehicles could open up entirely new approaches to moving goods, including options that are cheaper, faster, less wasteful and more environmentally sensitive than what’s possible today,’ Google said in a pamphlet outlining Project Wing.

Google, though, seems to see its drones as something more than another step in e-commerce delivery. The aerial vehicles also could make it easier for people to share certain items, such as a power drill, that they may only need periodically and carry emergency supplies to areas damaged by earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural catastrophes, according to Google’s Project Wing pamphlet.”
