“I Was The First Man To Put A Miniskirt On A Cartoon Character”

One wonders what conservative satirist Al Capp, enemy of hippies and scourge of campuses in the Vietnam Era, would have made of Rush Limbaugh, his far-less-witty creative descendant. I guess he would have generally approved. But what about the Tea Party? Would his allergy to collective extremism have driven him batty? Li’l Abner, after all, was a send-up of small-town white provincials with questionable intelligence. No, he probably would have rationalized it all in the name of party affiliation.

Capp was a genuinely talented writer who was very effective at mocking the micro excesses of the radical Left without seeming too bothered by the macro issues that was driving it from the center: a needless war, racism, sexism, etc. One day in 1970, when he wasn’t busy being rude at a bed-in or mocking a self-styled messiah, he made his way to the UCLA campus to raise a ruckus, which he loved doing. Audio only embedded below.
