Even More Proof That Donald Trump Is A Moron

Donald: I like her tits to be even bigger than mine.

Donald Trump is a deeply hideous man, but he thinks he should be judging women’s looks. It’s a weird control thing. Because no attractive woman would ever be near him if money wasn’t involved, he’s purchased beauty pageants. This puts beautiful women in the subservient position of vying for the approval of an ugly man. He also uses his Twitter account to disparage the looks of women from Arianna Huffington to Katy Perry to Kristen Stewart, all of whom are far better looking than he is. He think he needs to let these women know that they don’t meet his high standards. 

Because he’s a racist as well as a sexist, Trump believes that African-Americans (“the blacks,” as he likes to call them) also need to sit for his judgment. He likes to project his very real and disgraceful racism on others.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

NBC Wall St Journal Poll of African American voters: 94% @BarackObama, 0%@MittRomney.Even worse than Hillary’s old numbers. Is that racism?


Of course if the election were, say, Herman Cain versus Hilary Clinton, what are the odds that Cain would enjoy the same support that Obama does? No chance at all. Something apart from race must be in play then. Of course, such reasoning gets lost in arrogance and ugliness.

We asked impartial women to rate Ben Hoagie’s looks.

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