Decoder: Criticism Of President Obama For Appearing On The View

President Barack Obama: I hope Sherri liked me. (Image by Steve Jurvetson)

Sarah Palin tweet: President w/no time to visit porous US/Mexican border to offer help to those risking life to secure us, but lotso’ time to chat on The View?

Decoder: I was Alaska Governor w/no time to finish my only term in office ’cause I needed lotso’ time to make money as loudmouth media celebrity. #uselesssackofcrap

Rush Limbaugh: Obama is trying to get his numbers up. Obama is out there. He’s going to tape an appearance on The View. A lot of Democrats say, “This is not dignified. You’re not dignifying the office of the Presidency.” The dirty little secret is that for every day Obama is in that office, he denigrates it. He becomes less and less Presidential with each passing day.

Decoder: I know that Obama has done nothing to denigrate the office. People can agree or disagree with his policies, but he’s a classy guy who’s carried himself well as President. Now I would have a case if he behaved like I do. I was helplessly addicted to QxyContin and detained for several hours of questioning by authorities after returning from a trip to the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra that didn’t have my name on the prescription.

Rush: Kneepads and dildos available for overnight shipping.

Rush Limbaugh: I followed through, by the way, and sent some kneepads to Maude Behar by FedEx. She ought to get ‘em today in advance of the taping of the show tomorrow.

Decoder: I’m a man who owns kneepads. I have many pairs and can spare a few.

Michelle Malkin: It’s telling that he goes to cry on the shoulders of the sympathetic women of The View.

Decoder: Why did I never criticize Bush for doing interviews with friendly Fox News? Also: I don’t seem to have a problem with The View when I go on that show to promote my books. Maybe I’m just another weirdo opportunist.

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell: I think the President should be accessible, should answer questions that aren’t pre-screened, but I think there should be a little bit of dignity to the Presidency. I wouldn’t put him on Jerry Springer, too, right?

Decoder: I’m the great media analyst who praised Fox News for its objectivity during the 2008 Presidential election.

Fox News: It’s the one hundredth anniversary of the Boy Scouts, but instead of honoring the future leaders of our country, President Obama sat down with the ladies of The View.

Decoder: Obama sent a videotaped message to the Boy Scout Jamboree instead of attending in person, just as W. did in the summer of 2001.

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